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We are very excited about creating a community to help each other better understand the world of money, finance, and investing. Our mission is to provide personal finance content that is easy to digest, straightforward, and not influenced by sponsors or advertisers. So what's with the milkshakes, you might ask? We want to provide a casual, comfortable, and all-inclusive environment to offset what can be a serious and dull topic. Plus, it helps bring the family to the table! 

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The information provided on the Money Over Milkshakes website has been created to help users improve their knowledge of personal finance. This information is intended to be educational and is not intended as legal, accounting, financial, or other professional advice.


We do not get paid for any financial products or services that are mentioned. That includes no affiliate links from finance-related organizations. For more information on our disclaimer policies, click here.


© 2020 by Money Over Milkshakes LLC

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